
Hi, I'm Seb Wilgosz, and I run HanamiMastery to help you get into Hanami framework as easily as possible.

Among the others, I am an author of Rails API course on Udemy and Driggl blog.

Sebastian WilgoszSebastian Wilgosz

I love Ruby, so I'd love to see the Ruby ecosystem evolving and changing. This is why Hanami Mastery came alive!


Make Open Source projects a good place for full-time jobs.

I strongly believe that great community projects should get more support and financial stability. Unfortuantely, most of amazing people who create great libraries and projects, need to work during nights and over the weekends to make OUR lives better.

HanamiMastery is a first step, to improve on that field.


This project is driven by a few simple rules.

  • 10% of all income generated by this project and activity goes to support Hanami development since day one.
  • This includes Github sponsoring of my account, Youtube Channel, Blog monetization, and so on.
  • As soon as the Hanami 2.0 is released, we'll publish at least one episode per week.

Episode consists (or will be) of:

  • Article guide
  • Summary notes/snippets (comming soon)
  • Youtube Video guide (need support to get there)

Do you like this idea? Consider support!

If you like this project and the idea behind it, support me on Github!

The more support I get, the more time I'll be able to put into creating great content for you and the bigger quality it'll have!

I especially need a support for recording regular Youtube Videos.

Follow us!